
Every Super Hero Needs A Sidekick. Talk With Alfred Now To See Just How Powerful An AI Agent Can Be To Your Mission.

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Automation Agency
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Create More Growth, Profits & Freedom With Our Fully Automated Generative AI Agent

If you’ve considering hiring a salesperson, appointment setter, or you are not getting the results from your existing sales team then keep reading…

This may be the most important message you read all month.

Create Your AI Agent Today

A Personal Message From Our Co-Founder, Jason Benedict.

I want to share a story that’s deeply personal and filled with valuable lessons for every entrepreneur who has gone through the heartache of recruiting, hiring, training, managing staff and ultimately firing.

At the beginning of 2024, my wife, Therese, and I decided to hire a salesperson for the first time in our 10-year history as a small business. What followed next was a rollercoaster ride. 

Recruiting the right candidate was just the beginning. The real challenge came with the immense investment of time, energy, and resources that followed.

The Rollercoaster Ride of Traditional Sales Hiring:

1. Recruiting and hiring.
2. Endless hours, weeks, and months of personal time spent training our new salesperson.
3. Overhead costs piling up.
4. The relentless cycle of payroll, taxes, and administrative fees.
5. The heartache of watching our dreams collide with the harsh realities of small business challenges.

But despite our best efforts, things didn't pan out as we all had hoped.

Our salesperson struggled to connect with our prospective clients, and at times he even got aggressive on sales calls, after numerous attempts at providing guidance, coaching, sales scripts, and positive reinforcement.

This left us feeling frustrated and defeated. It was a painful realization that forced us to confront the harsh truth—we needed a new approach.

And that's where the story takes an unexpected turn.

In the depths of our despair, we stumbled upon something remarkable—a transformative solution that would revolutionize not just our agency, but the entire industry.

Yep, just when we thought everything seemed to be falling apart, when it seemed like all was lost, innovation struck.

My wife, Therese, and I knew that we were not alone in our frustrations of trying to recruit, hire, and train a qualified salesperson. In fact, many of our clients shared their same desires and frustration with us.

So, Therese and I took a step back and asked ourselves how we can solve this problem?

What if we could find a way to automate the most problematic part of our sales process

The idea was simple yet revolutionary…

And this is when our personalized Generative AI Agent was born.

Meet Alfred.

Alfred is not just software; he is a revolutionary AI Agent that we built for ourselves that is equipped with the latest cutting-edge generative AI technology.

Alfred can:

  • Conduct automated calls.

  • Seamlessly book appointments.

  • Provide comprehensive customer service.

  • Sound and act like a real human.

  • Here's the best part...

    On his first day, Alfred generated over $17,500 in sales, far exceeding our expectations.

    Best of all it didn't take him 6 months to train.

    Not even 6 weeks or even 6 days...

    It took him 2 phone calls.

    Alfred’s intelligence about our products, services, and our innovative business automation solutions was immediately understood on his first day.

    He converted these sales without any hiring, recruiting, or training.

    As a busy entrepreneur who is constantly looking for solutions, we didn't want to keep this solution a secret; we wanted to offer this same solution to other business owners who have been needing sales and a long-term solution.

    We know what it's like to have sleepless nights worrying about sales targets, the endless cycle of hiring and training, and the constant pressure to grow.

    We've been there, and we found our answer and wanted to share it with you.

    If you haven’t chatted with Alfred yet, you can do so now by texting

    “Alfred” to 602.900.9345 and he will send you a text message with a link to submit your information so he can give you a call within the next few minutes.

  • Jason Benedict

    Jason Benedict
    Co-Founder of Automation Agency

  • Every Superhero Needs A Sidekick!

    Why You Need An Alfred.

    At the Automation Agency, we believe every business owner is like a superhero, striving to make a positive impact and save the world one client at a time. Just like Alfred is Batman's loyal butler he is also his confidant, and a mentor. Alfred provides unwavering support, wise counsel, and practical assistance, ensuring that Batman can focus on his primary mission. Alfred's role goes beyond that of a traditional butler; he is a trusted ally who helps manage the complexities of Batman's double life, offering both emotional and logistical support. Batman always had the latest technology and coolest gadgets, but his greatest asset was his trusted butler, Alfred. As a business owner (aka superhero), you deserve your very own Alfred to support you, ensuring you always have the edge to succeed and save the day.

    Traditional Cost of Hiring A Sales Person

    Hiring a traditional salesperson involves substantial investment in salaries, benefits, training, and ongoing support. This process is time-consuming and can be fraught with uncertainties, such as finding the right talent and ensuring consistent performance.

    In contrast, deploying an AI Agent offers a cost-effective and efficient solution. An AI Agent operates 24/7, requires no training period, and delivers consistent, high-quality interactions with leads and prospects.

    While a human salesperson might excel in personal touch, an AI Agent provides scalable, immediate engagement without the overhead or fatigue. By choosing an AI Agent, you not only reduce costs but also ensure seamless and reliable sales support, allowing your business to grow without the constraints of traditional hiring and training.

    Create Your AI Agent Now

    Collect More Leads, Convert More Clients & Create More Repeat Sales
    With AI-Powered Appointment Booking.

    Are you tired of the endless cycle of recruiting, hiring, training, and managing sales staff only to get no results?

    Discover the transformative power of our Next-Generation AI Sales Agent designed to revolutionize your business interactions.

    Get Started
  • Seamless Appointment Booking

  • Effortlessly follows up with leads and schedules appointments directly on your calender, ensuring no lead is left unattended.

  • 24/7 Availability

  • Whether your business operates on a traditional 9-5 or a 24-hour operation your AI Agent is always ready to engage with your prospects.

  • Cost-Effective

  • Reduce overhead costs and eliminate the need for extensive, recruiting, hiring, training and managing staff.

  • Scalable and Adaptable

  • Learns and improves with each interaction, tailoring responses to meet customer needs.

    What Is A Generative
    AI Agent?

    A Generative AI Agent is an advanced computer program designed to understand and interact with people in a natural, human-like way. Think of it as a digital assistant that can handle tasks typically done by humans, such as answering customer inquiries, providing product information, and even closing sales.

    Create Your AI Agent Today!

    How We Build Generative AI Agents:
    A Step-by-Step Guide

    Pick a Name

    1. Pick Your AI Agent Name
    (Be Creative - Ours is Alfred)

    Start by giving your AI agent a memorable and engaging name. This will help humanize your agent and make interactions more fun and personal for your clients. Choose a name that reflects your brand's personality and values.

    Pick Your AI Agent's Gender

    2. Pick Your AI Agent's Gender

    Decide on the gender of your AI agent. Whether you choose male, female, or non-binary, this decision can help tailor the voice and tone of the interactions to better resonate with your target audience.

    Pick Your AI Agent's Gender

    3. Select Your AI Agent's Voice & Tone

    Your AI agent's voice and tone are crucial for creating a positive customer experience. Select from a variety of voice options and decide on a tone that aligns with your brand—be it professional, friendly, or enthusiastic. This ensures your AI agent communicates effectively and leaves a lasting impression.

    4. Define Your AI Agent's Personality & Script

    4. Define Your AI Agent's Personality & Script

    Craft a detailed personality profile for your AI agent, including preferred phrases, responses, and conversation style. This will ensure consistency in interactions and help the AI agent build rapport with clients. Develop scripts for common scenarios to guide your agent in handling various client queries and booking appointments smoothly.

    4. Define Your AI Agent's Personality & Script
    5. Train Your AI Agent On Your Products and Services

    5. Train Your AI Agent On Your Products and Services

    Provide comprehensive training materials such as brochures, sales sheets, webinars, ebooks about your products and services. The more information your AI Agent has, the better it can assist prospects and answer their questions accurately. Providing this information ensures your AI agent is well-equipped to represent your business effectively.

    Integrate Your AI Agent With Your CRM

    6. Integrate Your AI Agent With Your CRM

    To enable seamless appointment booking, we’ll integrate your AI Agent with your existing CRM. In order for the AI Agent to work effectively it needs to be provided with a list of names, emails and phone numbers. This allows the agent to manage communications independently, ensuring all client interactions are handled efficiently and professionally.

    Integrate Your AI Agent With Your CRM
    Customize Appointment Booking Processes

    7. Customize Appointment Booking Processes

    Tailor the appointment booking process to fit your availability. Set preferences for available time slots, meeting durations, and follow-up reminders. This customization allows your AI agent to manage your calendar effectively and maximize appointment bookings without your involvement.

    Test Launch Your AI Agent

    8. Test Launch Your AI Agent

    Once your AI agent is fully equipped and prompted with all of the right information, we’ll launch it to a small list of your prospects to ensure that calls are being triggered, the AI Agent is greeting prospects exactly as we’ve indicated, and its having intelligent conversations that intrigue prospects and encourage them to schedule an appointment with you.

    Test Launch Your AI Agent
    Collect & Analyze Prospect Feedback

    9. Collect & Analyze Prospect Feedback

    We’ll automate the reporting process so we can gather feedback from prospects to understand their experiences and interactions with your AI agent. We use this data to make further improvements and adjustments. Feedback is invaluable for refining your AI agent’s interactions and ensuring it meets your needs effectively.

    Implement Learning and Feedback Mechanisms

    10. Implement Learning and Feedback Mechanisms

    We set up systems for your AI agent to learn from every interaction. Utilize deep learning algorithms to continuously improve responses and strategies based on prospect feedback and behavior. Regular updates and feedback loops will keep your AI agent at the top of its game.

    Implement Learning and Feedback Mechanisms
    Connect your leads

    11. Connect Your Leads

    Once we have fine-tuned your AI Agent, we will configure it to automatically engage with your lead sources. This ensures seamless follow-up with new leads, webinar attendees, and or past prospects who have gone cold, all operating on autopilot.

    Monitor & Optimize Performance

    12. Monitor & Optimize Performance

    We regularly monitor your AI agent’s performance through analytics and reporting tools. We identify areas for improvement and optimize the AI agent’s functionalities to enhance efficiency and client satisfaction. Continuous monitoring ensures your AI agent remains a valuable asset to your business.

    Monitor & Optimize Performance

    Revolutionize Your Sales Process

    Automatically Book Appointments

    Schedule A Free Discovery Call To Discuss Hiring An AI Agent

    Our Most Advanced AI Agents
    Can Help Grow & Scale Faster Then Ever Before...

    Whether you're looking to start small or scale and grow, our advanced Generative AI Agents are designed to seamlessly integrate into your business, providing reliable, around-the-clock support and driving significant improvements in efficiency and customer satisfaction.

    47 Hours

    Is the average response time for a sales representative to follow up with a lead.


    Of leads expect responses within 60 minutes of their query, and 30% want a response within 15 minutes.


    Businesses who respond to leads within 5 Minutes are 100x more likely to convert that lead.

    The Possibilities With An AI Agent Are Near Limitless

    Hire Your AI Agent Today

    Features & Benefits:

    Automated Lead Handling

    Automated Lead Handling

    The AI Agent can manage leads at specific stages of your sales process, ensuring that every potential prospect is reached promptly and educated on the various products and services you have available.

    Efficient Scheduling

    Efficient Scheduling

    The AI Agent will be able to intelligently book appointments based on your calendar availability, optimizing your team's time management.

    24/7 Operation

    24/7 Operation

    Operates around the clock, eliminating the constraints of traditional working hours and increasing the chances of capturing every potential lead.

    Cost Reduction

    Cost Reduction

    Eliminates the need for commission-based compensation for appointment settings, significantly lowering operational costs.

    Performance Consistency

    Performance Consistency

    Provides consistent performance that is not influenced by human factors such as fatigue, vacation requests, sick days, or personal biases.



    Easily scales to handle increased lead volume without the need for additional human resources. The AI Agent could call 100 people at a time or 1000 to quickly scale the number of appointments booked on your calendar.

    Fact #1

    On Average Sales Reps Spend About 3 Hours Per Week Sourcing Their Own Leads To Call.

    Fact #2

    On Average Sales Reps Only
    Make About 100 Phone Calls
    Per Week.

    Fact #3

    On Average Sales Reps
    Spend About 10 Minutes
    Per Cold Email.

    Don't Settle For Average...

    The Average B2B Salesperson makes about 35 calls a day, our most Advanced AI Agents can make up to 1,200 phone calls per hour.

    Your Success Is A Numbers Game:

  • On average, it takes 8 Cold Call attempts to reach a prospect.

  • 82% of buyers accept meetings when salespeople reach out to them. 

  • 80% of Cold Calls end up going to Voicemail.

  • I Want Better Than Average


    In 2023, the global AI market size was close to $208 billion. By 2030, the market size is expected to reach nearly $2 trillion.

    We've Personally Experienced
    A 1,600% ROI In Our AI Investments.

    Co-Founder of Automation Agency

    We've helped more than 5,000 small businesses create more Growth, Profits & Freedom by leveraging the power of Automation & AI.

    • On average, businesses can expect a 6% to 10% revenue increase from adopting AI.

    • 46% of American companies have saved between $25,000 and $70,000 by using AI.

    • 2/3 of jobs could be partially automated by AI. But many of these jobs will be complemented by AI, not substituted by it.

    Our goal is to build you an AI Agent that makes you wildly successful while giving you back your most valuable asset: TIME.

    JB Sig

    Why invest in AI Agent based prospecting?

    Think of AI Agents as virtual SDRs who work around the clock. Without adding more headcount or outsourcing to a 3rd party, you can engage untapped segments of your market and booking meetings 100% autonomously using AI powered sales automation software.

    Automation Agency

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